Free Books from Authors—Plus Enter to Win Prizes

Free Books from Authors—Plus Enter to Win Prizes

Free books! Yes, I said free 🙂

If you love ebooks and want to see learn about and follow some new authors, check out these groups offering free books, plus enter to win prizes. These are newsletter-joining offers, so if you see a free book or author you’re interested in, give them a try. Also, double-check the ratings to make sure they’re compatible with your tastes.

These group deals change all the time as different authors organize and sponsor them, so if you don’t find something in the group deals, check back later or take a peek at the individual deals. These ebooks download directly from the site, so you’ll have to sideload them to your phone or ereader. Once you learn how, though, it’s pretty easy, and this site (Book Cave Direct), walks you through it.

Free books are a great way to find new authors to love and follow—and we all know how much we want to find great new authors. Plus, if you find they are not compatible with your tastes, simply unsubscribe from their newsletters. (Don’t be mean and register a complaint.) Hope you Enjoy!

One Response to “Free Books from Authors—Plus Enter to Win Prizes”

  1. Jacqui B6

    Thank you. It is great to have the opportunity to read free books. Some times I think the books are more enjoyable, that much sweeter because they are free


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